Top 5 Bad Businesses   
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According to the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism, a right livelihood is one that does not harm other living beings. Thus, five types of businesses must be avoided. The Buddha named the meat business as one of the five businesses that people should not engage in.

The other four are: business in weapons, business in human trafficking, business in intoxicants, and business in poison. All these harmful businesses are bad for you, now and in the future.

If you believe in the life hereafter, if you believe in Heaven and hell, you should stop the meat business immediately, like yesterday.  Because nothing good awaits you in the life after if you cause suffering to others, be it human or animals. You will have multiple suffering in return, and for a long, long time. So instead, these people in the meat industry should join in the trend.

Be veg! Go green!
Plant organic vegetables!

Top 5 Jobs to Avoid:
1. Meat business
2. Weapons business
3. Human trafficking business
4. Intoxicants business
5. Poisons business

Be Veg, Go Green
2 Save the Planet!

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Rate of Slaughter
Recalled fish, meat, eggs,dairy products, etc.
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Subsidies: not for torture, pain and death
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