Organic: The Future of Farming   
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With the world facing economic hardship and looming job deficits, a green revolution beckons.
No, not a green energy revolution…
A green food revolution!

Organic: The Future of Farming

We can sustain the world and our nations’ economies in dynamic health and vigor!
Case Study: Peru

In the South American country of Peru, the farming of organic crops has generated at least 33,000 jobs for farmers nationwide. According to Peru’s Minister of Agriculture Adolfo de Córdiva Vélez, interest in the practice continues to increase as farmers realize that organic growing is more profitable than traditional methods. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture is providing support to 9,800 farmers to help enhance organic productivity.

Peruvian Organic Farmer 1 (In Spanish) (M):
One motive is to better our environment and through this, we can give a healthy product to our consumers.

Peruvian Organic Farmer 2 (In Spanish) (M):
I would like to say very much to our compatriots that we should consume organic products because they are healthy and do not bring any kind of disease.

Join the revolution!

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Farm for the Future.
Farm Organic.

Related Link
Organic Vegan: The Planet-Cooling Solution
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