مکان های مقدس در اورشلیم: کلیسای حنا مقدس، کلیسای یحیای تعمید دهنده، مقبره مریم مقدس (به زبان عربی)   

Welcome, noble viewers, to The World Around Us. In today’s episode, we’ll be visiting three sacred sites in Jerusalem: the Church of Saint Anne, the Church of Saint John the Baptist, and the Tomb of Virgin Mary.

Our first destination is the Church of Saint Anne. Built in the 12th century, this simple yet majestic church is to honor Saint Anne, the mother of Virgin Mary.

Tour Guide – Jerusalem (m):
We are right now in the Old City of Jerusalem. And this is one of the important churches in the Old City. This church is the Church of Saint Anne. The Church of Saint Anne is the house of the parents of Virgin Mary, Joachim and Anne. And this is the birthplace of Virgin Mary.

According to the Gospel of the Birth of Mary, Anne and Joachim had no child after 20 years of a married life.
Therefore, Joachim went to the wilderness and prayed to God to bless them with a child. After a period of fasting, an angel appeared and told him that they were to have a child. At the same time, Saint Anne was at home praying, for both this blessing and for her husband’s safety. It was then an angel appeared and assured she would have a daughter who would be called Mary.

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گیاهخواری : روش اصیل زندگی
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