سیاره زمین : خانه محبوب ما
"خانه": یک فیلم مستند زیست محیطی از یان آرتوس – برتران - قسمت ۱ از ۳ قسمت    قسمت ۱

Narrator: We know that the solutions are there today. We all have the power to change. So what are we waiting for?

HOST: Hallo, eco-conscious viewers, and welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. Today we present Part 1 of a three part series featuring the acclaimed 2009 documentary “Home” directed by world famous French photographer Yann Arthus–Bertrand.  

He is particularly renowned for his aerial photography. Entranced by the beauty of nature, Mr. Arthus Bertrand has taken scores of photographs of majestic landscapes from helicopters and hot air balloons.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand established the GoodPlanet Foundation in 2005. The Foundation focuses on raising public awareness of global warming and helps to implement various innovative programs to offset carbon emissions.

Recognizing his commitment to the planet, the United Nations Environment Programme presented him with the “Champions of the Earth” award and appointed him as a Goodwill Ambassador in 2009.

Bertrand: I think that as journalists, we have a real power of informing and certainly this title of “Goodwill Ambassador” will allow me to do things perhaps I could not do before.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand Respected French photographer, director, and environmentalist United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador

“Home” explores issues impacting our planet’s viability such as the environmental devastation caused by the livestock industry, serious water shortages, rapidly rising sea levels, dependency on fossil fuels,and the severe depletion of natural resources.

With high definition aerial views of our abode, the documentary clearly illustrates the extent to which our precious Earth has been enormously damaged by humanity’s actions.

The film’s ultimate message is that we have onlya few short years left to reverse the tremendous destruction. Home was filmed on location in 54 countries over a period of 18 months, generating 488 hours of footage in the process.

Filming was done using helicopter-mounted high definition Cineflex cameras that are able to record moving images smoothly. True to Home’s eco-ideals, the producers mitigated the emissions released during the making of it through carbon offsets.

It took approximately three years for the 93-minute documentary to be finally completed. On June 5, 2009, coinciding with World Environment Day, Home premiered in over 100 countries. 

The producers say it is the first movie ever to be released simultaneously through all media channels, including theaters, TV, DVD, and Internet and across five continents.

Many cinemas offered free screenings and it was on shown on big screens at the Champ de Mars in Paris, France as well as in London, England and New York, USA.

In France, 8 million viewers watched Home on France2 Television the day it debuted.
As a gift to the world, the work is distributed free of charge and is available for viewing on the website YouTube.

HOST: We now present Part 1 of the landmark documentary, “Home” with narration by award-winning US actress Glenn Close.

For more details on the “Home,” please visit www.Home-2009.com

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