A Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary is opened in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico - 23 Jan 2011  
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In animal welfare news, a Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary is opened in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. Located in the states of Michoacán and Mexico, the protected area is the last stop on the annual migration route of the magnificent insects. The butterflies embark on the up to 4,000-kilometer trip from southern Canada and northern and central USA to avoid the winter cold. In spring, the females undertake the journey back to the USA and Canada. Officials stated that the sanctuary is set up to give the public an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the exquisite butterflies, which arrive in millions each year.

Our gratefulness, Mexican government, for creating this spectacular haven. May these winged angels continue their extraordinary flights in safety and joy for eons to come.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/nwn_per/385

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