Afghanistan peace jirga ends with renewed diplomatic resolve. - 6 Jun 2010  
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Around 1,600 delegates, including Afghan tribal elders, clerics and politicians, concluded a three-day peace jirga, or traditional council which resolves disputes by consensus, by affirming their support for President Hamid Karzai’s peace proposal.

His plan included an urging for the country’s thousands of Taliban members to exchange their weapons for amnesty, cash and job incentives, while arranging for asylum for leading figures. 

Speaking of the directives as issued by the jirga participants, President Karzai stated, 『Now the path is clear, the path that has been shown and chosen by you, we will go on that step-by-step and this path will Inshallah, take us to our destination." United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also offered support for such diplomatic approaches in restoring harmonious relations.

Your Excellency as well as respected elders, clerics and other leaders, we laud your initiative and progress toward the emergence of peace in Afghanistan.  May Heaven guide and ensure your success for the benefit of all the gentle-hearted Afghan people.
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