A Canadian shelter helps bird friends regain their health - 18 Feb 2011  
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In animal welfare news, a Canadian shelter helps bird friends regain their health. World Parrot Refuge on Vancouver Island, British Columbia provides a life-long home to approximately 800 rescued avian friends. Some are recovering after having been mistreated, given illegal drugs, or being exposed to smoke. However, with loving care, over time many of the sensitive parrots again flourish in physical and emotional well-being.

Bravo, World Parrot Refuge, for your devotion to these intelligent and charming beings. May all exquisite messengers of the Divine live in happiness and safety on our shared eco sphere.

For their noble work, Supreme Master Ching Hai is honoring the World Parrot Refuge with the Shining World Compassion Award and US$20,000. 

http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Drugged+parrots+cold+turkey+refuge/4149045/story.html http://worldparrotrefuge.org/

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/nwn_per/437

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