British scientists discover the sea routes of endangered turtles - 14 Feb 2011  
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In animal welfare news, British scientists discover the sea routes of endangered turtles. In a five-year study, Dr. Matthew Witt of the Center for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom and colleagues tracked 25 female leatherback turtles as they left the world’s largest breeding colony in Gabon, West Africa. Traveling across the Atlantic Ocean for several months, the amazing turtles had three migratory routes. The researchers found one which was virtually a straight line and over 7,500 kilometers long. It led to the waters near the southern coast of Brazil and Uruguay in South America. Identifying the location of the migration patterns of the rare turtle will assist conservationists in their preservation efforts.
Our sincere thanks, Dr. Matthew Witt and colleagues, for your work to better understand the fantastic leatherback turtle. May your findings help their populations to once again flourish.
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