Homeless dog gets Red Cross award - 21 Apr 2011  
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Sasha, a dog living in a shelter in the United States, has been selected to receive a Red Cross Animal Hero of the Year Award. The 1½ year-old pit-bull, who is deaf, has been commended  by the Oregon chapter of the Red Cross for her work in helping youngsters  at Lane County’s John Serbu Youth Campus.

The students have taught Sasha to respond to hand signals, even training the sweet canine to wave “halo.”  Mr. Mike Washburn, a teacher at the Campus, stated that the experience has been beneficial for the youth. He said, “They are trying to help the dog, and in trying to help the dog, they're getting help themselves.”

Congratulations, Sasha, on your wonderful recognition. May all beautiful canine friends find happy homes in which to share an abundance of love.
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