Author Jonathon Safron Foer reveals truth of free range chickens. - 28 Jan 2010  
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Speaking recently in Washington DC, USA the American author of the book “Eating Animals” presented information about the deceptive labeling of eggs from so-called “cage-free” hens.

Highlighting the fact that there is no legal definition for the terms “free-range” or “cage-free,” Mr. Foer stated that in reality, these eggs come from chickens that are crammed together in unventilated warehouses and forced to dwell in their own waste day and night.

Human workers entering the environments often wear gas masks to prevent permanent damage to their own lungs. These same hens are cruelly debeaked, starved for days to restart egg-laying cycles, and die prematurely from being slaughtered when they are no longer of use.

Moreover, millions of male chicks are disposed like trash, suffocated in plastic bags or ground alive into fertilizer or feed. The author pointed out that “free-range” or “cage-free” labeling is thus not only deceptive, it is morally reprehensible as it allows companies to profit from consumers’ stated desire to alleviate animal suffering while doing nothing toward this goal whatsoever.

Mr. Jonathon Safron Foer, we earnestly appreciate your research that encourages more informed choices about harmful practices as these.

Blessed be such efforts as yours in bringing greater recognition of all animals’ God-given nature and the sanctity of their lives.
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