More lives lost to E. coli-contaminated meat - 3 Nov 2009  
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The US Department of Agriculture has issued a Class 1 recall for nearly 546,000 pounds of ground meat containing the E. coli bacteria sold in New England states including Connecticut, Maine and Massachusetts. A Class 1 recall indicates a high level of risk, including the likelihood of serious health consequences or death. Infection with E. coli can cause symptoms of bloody diarrhea, dehydration and kidney failure.

One man has perished in New Hampshire, and two more have fallen ill. In related news, British pop star Sir Elton John has been forced to cancel several upcoming concerts due to falling ill with a severe case of E.coli as well as the flu. The singer is being treated in a Central London hospital and is not expected to return to the stage for several more weeks.

We are deeply saddened to hear of the human life lost and send our prayers for the recuperation of Sir Elton John and others. May people worldwide soon realize the benefit of a switch to the wholesome and revitalizing vegan fare.



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