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  Code:  tree_free_main10                 

Bleaching Terms to Know
TCF (Total Chlorine Free)
No chlorine or related compounds were used.
Common TCF bleach: hydrogen peroxide.
PCF (Process Chlorine Free)
Recycled paper that was rebleached without any chlorine; however, the original paper may have been bleached with chlorine.
ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free)
Although no chlorine gas was used, chlorine-related compounds were used, reducing but not fully eliminating toxins like dioxin.
  Code:  tree_free_main9                 

Shandong Tralin Group (China)
Made with: straw pulp
Caboo (Canada and USA)
Made with: sugarcane bagasse and bamboo
Use hydrogen peroxide, a non-chlorine bleach
Kcrown Green Choice (Australia)
Made with: sugarcane bagasse and bamboo
Use of chlorine is unknown
Nimbus Eco (available on
Made with: sugarcane bagasse and bamboo
Chlorine-free bleaching
Ology (USA; sold only at Walgreens stores)
Made with: sugarcane bagasse and bamboo
Use hydrogen peroxide, a non-chlorine bleach
Green2 (USA and Canada)
Made with: sugarcane bagasse and bamboo
Use hydrogen peroxide, a non-chlorine bleach
Kora (available on
Made with: bamboo
Chlorine-free bleaching
Green Soft - Saved a Tree (Australia)
Made with: bamboo, straw, reed, cotton
Use of chlorine is unknown
…. Plus more!
  Code:  tree_free_main8                 

Here are some of the companies we know that offer treeless paper products.
Feel free to look for more in your local area.
  Code:  tree_free_main7                 

Some companies, such as Nimbus Eco, state that they grow the bamboo and sugarcane on farms and harvest by hand, thus reducing waste and carbon emissions. One award-winning manufacturer in China, Tralin, uses straw from harvested grain crops, which would otherwise be discarded.

Supreme Master Ching Hai said that in the future, we can certainly make use of gardening and pruning leftovers or cut grass or wheat, etc., instead of burning them.

Going tree-free is surely better for the environment (and our health, too)!
  Code:  tree_free_main6                 

  • Soft - softer than most recycled paper products
  • Strong - bamboo and sugarcane fibers are both very strong
  • Biodegradable - bamboo and sugarcane fibers quickly decompose back into the earth
  • Sustainable & rapidly growable - both bamboo and sugarcane are grasses and grow fast: bamboo can grow 100 inches per month, sugarcane grows 12 inches per month, whereas timber grows only 2 inches per month; bamboo doesn’t need to be replanted as the cut stem grows back in a few months
  • Virgin fibers - bamboo and sugarcane products don’t require heavy bleaching of inks and dyes as recycled paper products do
  • Eco - sugarcane bagasse is widely available but in many cases discarded and burned, releasing pollutants into the air. So using sugarcane bagasse for paper prevents wasting and burning.
  Code:  tree_free_main4                 

Tree-free toilet paper can be made with different materials. Often, it’s a combination of sugarcane bagasse (the fibrous byproduct left after extracting the sugar) and bamboo, which happens to create some of the best paper on the market because it’s:
  Code:  tree_free_main3                 

Did you know?
Toilet paper alone destroys 27,000 trees per day globally!
Ordinary toilet paper contains mercury, dioxin, BPA, and BPS, which are chemicals associated with environmental pollution and health problems such as cancer.
  Code:  tree_free_main2                 

If we all switched to using tree-free toilet paper and other tissue products, we could:
  • Stop the deforestation of an estimated 99 million trees annually
  • Reduce global warming
  • Save tons of water used for manufacturing
  • Save energy used for manufacturing
  • Reduce the pollution of our air and waterways (rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.)
  • Preserve the habitats of countless plant and animal species, not to mention our own!
  Code:  tree_free_main1                 

More and more companies are offering tree-free, eco-friendly alternatives to regular toilet paper as well as napkins, paper towels, and other tissue paper products. Many of these eco-conscious companies also choose not to use chlorine, a toxic chemical used to bleach paper that pollutes the environment and can cause cancer.
  Code:  tree_free_title2                 

Tree-free is the future of tissue paper!
  Code:  muliti_sub                 

Multi-languages subtitles
  Code:  eng_sub                 

English subtitle
  Code:  2014_May_conf_banner_multi                 

  Code:  2014_May_conf_banner3                 

  Code:  2014_May_conf_banner2                 

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