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راه حلی برای سلامت جهانی: مصاحبه ای با دکتر تی. کالین کمپبل   

Welcome vibrant viewers to today’s episode of Healthy Living. 
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD,is a professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, USA. For more than 40 years, Dr. Campbell has been at the forefront of nutrition research.

Dr. Campbell is the Project Director of the China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project, which eventually became known as The China Study, considered the most comprehensive analysis of the role of diet, disease and health ever conducted.

In 2004, Dr. Campbelland his son Tom co-authored the book, 『The China Study,』 which summarizes of research in nutrition, and concludes that a pure, vegan (meaning animal-free) diet is optimal for human health.

Dr. Campbell continues to actively participate in the development of national and international nutrition policies.

Dr. Campbell was invited in July 2009 to share his work and life-changing messages with audiences in Singapore.

While he was in Asia, Supreme Master Television had the good fortune of speaking with Dr. Campbell about the vegan diet, health, and climate change.

First, many of us have been told that milk and dairy products are good sources of protein.
Is this really true?
Let’s hear from Dr. Campbell who worked on a dairy farm when he was young.

Dr. Campbell: You know, we are the only species on the face of the planet that continues to consume milk beyond the so- called 『wean period.』

HOST: The indigestible protein in cow’s milk actually causes a negative chain reaction in the bodies of infants, children, and adults.

Dr. Campbell: Because the protein in reality, stimulates the growth of cells and the growth of the body and the growth of cancer cells, faster, than the other proteins.

Animal proteins tend to do that. And so it's the protein in the milk that seems to cause so many problems. Protein also does some other things too, when for example, it's not completely digested down to its constituent amino acids, and maybe there's little chains of amino acids that remain undigested, we call them peptides.

Those things get absorbed into the blood,especially in an infant,and they look like foreign proteins, which they are, and so our bodies produce antibodies against them which are very specific for just those, that string of amino acids.

And then those antibodies turn around and find the same string of amino acids in the cells of the pancreas, that's responsible for producing insulin.

So the antibodies, being produced against this foreign protein, in turn, turn against, a similar sequence of amino acids in the pancreas, and therefore destroy it. And that leads to Type I diabetes.

HOST: In a previous interview with Supreme Master Television, Dr. Campbell explained that at least 50 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere are a result of the livestock production process.
In other words, meat consumption is driving climate change. Here is an update from Dr. Campbell on an issue that concerns the very survival of our planet.

Dr. Campbell: Although yet it's unofficial, there are a couple of individuals, very significant people, who have been making this report.

And looking very carefully at the numbers, and their conclusion now, is that the contribution of livestock production to global warming is more than 60%. It's not 18% which was first suggested three or four years ago, it's not even the 50 some percent suggested a short while ago.

I find this estimate a bit staggering. And obviously it's not known by almost anyone. It's been accepted for publication in a professional journal. And it’s going to appear in October.

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