نشاط رقص دبکای فلسطین ( به زبان عربی)   
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Halo vivacious viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment.

On today’s segment, we will feature some beautiful traditional Palestinian dancing, which offers a window into the vibrant culture of Palestine. Supreme Master Television attended a fund-raising event in Chicago, USA hosted by the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. There we saw the spirited performance of the Rajeen Debka Group. This independent group is dedicated to preserving and introducing the lovely Palestinian culture through Debka, a traditional and well-loved form of Palestinian dance.

We spoke with the manager of the Rajeen Debka Group, Hala Istanbouli, who warmly agreed to share with our global viewers more about Debka dance.

Hala Istanbouli (F):  The Debka dance is a traditional folklore dance that most people from the Middle East do. They perform, they usually dance at weddings, occasions, parties, it’s very, very traditional, it’s very Middle Eastern.

There is traditionally three or four moves, you might say, if I went to Palestine right now, if I told them “enzal,” they would know what that means. That is like a move that everybody universally knows, if you went to any other Debka group.

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