زندگی سالم تحقیق چین از دکتر تی. کالین کمپبل: کاهش ریسک امراض از طریق رژیم وگان – قسمت ۱   
قسمت ۱ Play with windows media ( 34 MB )
قسمت ۲ Play with windows media ( 40 MB )
قسمت ۳ Play with windows media ( 32 MB )

The China Study

The China Study gives critical, life-saving nutritional information for
every health-seeker in America. But, it is much more; Dr. Campbell’s
exposé of the research and medical establishment makes this book a
fascinating read and one that could change the future for all of us.
Every health care provider and researcher in the world must read it

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