بزرگان گیاهخوار پادشاه واوا هائیتی: یک "قلمرو یگانه" در موسیقی و هنر - قسمت ۱ از ۲ قسمت (به زبان کریئول)   
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King Wawa (m): I don't eat animals, and also I don't drink, I don't do drugs.
I never liked meat. I never like anything from it, especially cow. I don't like the smell of the milk. I was never interested in that. I influence a lot of people, sometimes without saying anything.

HOST: Greetings tropical sun-lovers, welcome to another exciting edition of Vegetarian Elite. Today, we feature one of the Caribbean's musical stars, Haiti's own King Wawa.

A versatile artist, King Wawa is an accomplished singer, percussionist, guitarist, songwriter, and painter. His mission is to inspire, uplift, and bring joy to people.

His given name “Wawa” means king of kings and reflects his noble nature. The essence of his music stems from African traditions; however, King Wawa truly draws inspiration from the cosmos itself. Recently, Supreme Master Television had the honor of speaking with King Wawa in California, USA.

During the interview, he spontaneously sang a powerful song about love and respect for all life, reminding us all of the importance of living as a true human being.

For more information about King Wawa's music and Haiti Relief Fund, please visit www.KingWawa.com

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