فناوری عصر طلایی ساختن بر روی آب: مهندس هلندی کوئن اولتوئیس - قسمت ۱ از ۲ قسمت (به زبان هلندی)   
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Koen Olthuis (m): What our firm does here is actually design all kinds of things, design housing types, which are the same as on land, only now with floating foundations.

Koen Olthuis (m): So we started with very small villas, and that became bigger and bigger row houses, two under one roof, floating apartment complexes, floating roads, floating gardens, really all you need to construct a city.

Halo creative viewers and welcome to Golden Age Technology on Supreme Master Television. Today, in part one in a two-part series, we meet an exceptional architect from the Netherlands, whose visionary work offers answers for those low-lying urban areas facing rising sea levels.

Koen Olthuis was featured in TIME Magazine's 2007 list of the world's most influential people, as his work has gained global interest with large metros everywhere having to adapt to climate change and burgeoning populations. His firm, Waterstudio.NL, is behind a unique form of water-based architectural development that places homes, buildings and other structures on water by using floating foundations.

Mr. Olthuis studied architecture and industrial design at the Delft University of Technology in the Southern Netherlands and has worked with dedication for years to help find solutions to his country's ongoing challenge of living alongside encroaching water.

For more details on Koen Olthuis, please visit www.Waterstudio.nl

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