Specialty Food & Traditional Cuisine from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) – The Making of Rice Noodle & Vegan Royal Noodle Soup (In Aulacese)   
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Âu Lạc, a beautiful country situated in Southeast Asia, with sub-tropical climate, is graced by Mother Nature with green plants and sweet fruits, all redolent and delectable throughout the four seasons.

Depending on the weather conditions and culinary preferences of each region, the local people have skillfully created many savory dishes. In our program about Aulacese traditional cuisine, we are pleased to introduce the specialty foods of a land known for its freshness and abundance.

Indeed, at a public lecture in the United States in March 1991, Supreme Master Ching Hai especially praised the rich natural resources of Âu Lạc.
“Âu Lạc is among the most enriched nations in this world: there are mines of gold, silver, uranium, lead, zinc, and tin. Âu Lạc has everything. There are morals, piety, harmony, and four thousands years of civilization. It is one of the most ancient countries in the world. Our land has always had abundant foods and fruits.

I remember when I was a student there, there was a great variety of fruits when I went to Bình Dương and Long Thành. And rice! Aulacese indigenous rice, called Tám Thơm, is the most famous in Southeast Asia and in the world. There are also other products, dried or fresh, that are most popular in the world.”

HOST: We are deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her treasured words and boundless grace for the nation and people of peace-loving Âu Lạc.

HOST: In Aulacese cuisine, rice noodle is a round, stringy food, white and soft, made from rice flour. As a raw material and a main ingredient in many dishes which begin with the word “noodle,” this is one of the most popular foods in Âu Lạc, just after dishes served with steamed rice. In today's program, we'll find out how to make the rice noodle and vegan royal noodle soup, a food specialty from the nation's ancient capital.

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