دیداری دوستانه از یک خانواده فلسطینی (به زبان عربی)   
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Welcome warm-hearted viewers. Today, we are going to visit the home of Mr. Ibrahim Musa Muhammad Altaraidh and his family.

They were kind enough to invite us to find out a little more about everyday Palestinian culture. Palestinians always welcome guests, whether announced or not.

Food, sweets, coffee, and warm smiles are always ready and abundantly available for visitors. Mr. Altaraidh is a talented merchant and head of his devoted Muslim household. 

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Ibrahim Musa Muhammad Altaraidh, from Bani Na'im, Hebron province. I am a father of three children. The oldest named Ali, there are two other girls, Fatima and Waed.

HOST: Mr. Ibrahim Musa Muhammad Altaraidh's wife is a homemaker. She explained to us about the traditional Palestinian costumes the family members are wearing.

Mother (f): Peace be upon you, The man over here wears al doshdash and aba over it. then, here comes the front-garment (apron) and headband, which is called ekal or hatta. For women, she wears an embroidered dress, like this. then, she wears over it Al lafha. So, the dress will be modest.

Mother (f): We love the Palestinian heritage and the embroidered dress. We are proud of and love it. It is handmade.

HOST: The family is very important in Palestinian culture. Usually, the father is in charge of making decisions in family matters and is mainly responsible for providing for the family. Meanwhile, women hold the family together and maintain the household.

Mother (f): … We grow plants around houses also like vegetables... All women grow plants in their land…

HOST: Palestinian mothers also are primarily in charge of raising the children. Education is very much valued. Education and service to society bring honor to the Palestinian family.

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