مرکز نجات حیوانات دوبی - واحه ای از عشق در امارات متحده عربی (به زبان عربی)   
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Thoughtful viewers, we invite you to travel with us today to Dubai of the United Arab Emirates to visit the Dubai Animal Rescue Centre, an animal sanctuary founded by the compassionate Ayesha Kelaif.

Ayesha (f): To me a dog, or a cat, or any pet is like a human. They need the basics that we need: food, water, shelter and kindness.

HOST: Ayesha Kelaif was born in Sri Lanka to a British father and Portuguese-Dutch mother. In her childhood, she frequently moved and had little opportunity to establish lasting friendships with people, but she found comfort and companionship through animals.

Ayesha (f): Actually, since I was a kid, I was always involved with animals, and I always had a passion for animals. So, it's been in my life ever since I can remember.

As an animal lover, you know, I thought I want to do something different. That was like 11 years ago, I rescued my first cat and then as it grew, and I met a lot of nice people who work with me right now who helped me.

There are a lot of volunteers, members; I have a great team who are always ready to help animals and in the daily care of running DARC.

HOST: Now living in Dubai with her husband and three children, the family's villa in Al Barsha has become the Dubai Animal Rescue Centre, which provides a haven for a large variety of abused, injured and abandoned animals.

The refuge provides specialized food, shelter and medical care to meet the needs of all of its unique rescues. The residents all live harmoniously in this oasis in the middle of Dubai.

For more details on the Dubai Animal Rescue Centre, please visit

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