خشونت نسبت به حیوانات را پایان دهید یک صنعت بدون وجدان: "تجارت پوست"، یک مستند توسط شنون کیت، قسمت ۱ از ۳ قسمت   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Fur coats line the racks of clothing stores, with customers purchasing them for thousands of dollars.
But the price that the animals have to pay for people to wear fur is the ultimate one – unimaginable torture and exploitation, followed by a brutal, bloody end to their lives.

Despite the repulsive horrors behind such apparel, fur is still a part of the fashion industry. Why?On today’s Stop Animal Cruelty, in the first in a three part series, we feature the new documentary 『Skin Trade,』 which seeks to answer this very question.

The film, which has already garnered several awards, is directed by Shannon Keith, a vegan animal rights attorney from the US and founder of the non-profit animal welfare organization Animal Rescue, Media & Education.

Shannon Keith (f): Animals are constantly being tortured and abused for the fur trade, and I couldn’t believe that fur as fashion was actually making a comeback on the catwalks. So I decided to make this film to inform the public about animals used for fashion. 

For more details on 『Skin Trade』, please visit
The Skin Trade DVD is available at the same website

For more information on Animal Rescue
Media Education, please visit:

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