بشر را از طریق چشمان دیگران دیدن با نویسنده معروف فرانسوی در سطح بین المللی برنارد وربر (به زبان فرانسوی)   
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HOST: Greetings imaginative viewers. Mr. Bernard Werber is one of the most famous science fiction authors from France and throughout the world. He has fascinated readers all over the world with his writings on science and spirituality, philosophy, the animals our co-inhabitants, the origins of humankind,
and more.

He was a scientific journalist for Le Nouvel Observateur and Eurêka, the magazine of Europe’s largest science museum, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in Paris.

He thus nurtured his love for science. In 1991 Bernard Werber published his first novel, “The Ants,” which sold in 15 million copies and was translated into 35 languages.

Many of his other works, including “The Ants” trilogy, have become international bestsellers. Today, Mr. Werber kindly shares with us glimpses of his universal philosophy that helped to expand countless readers’ minds.

Bernard Werber’s books are available at
and www.Amazon.com

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