"بیکگو دل سفید" - یک نمایش موزیکال از کره جنوبی الهام گرفته از زندگی یک سگ واقعی - قسمت ۱ از ۲ قسمت (به زبان کره ای)   
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HOST (IN KOREAN): Greetings sweet viewers!On Jindo Island off the southeast coast of South Korea,the residents are proud of their native dog,the Jindo dog.

The musical,"White Heart Baekgu", is based on the true story of one Jindo Island dog named Baekgu. In 1995,Baekgu,meaning "white dog,"  traveled over 300 km over seven months to return to her original caregiver after being taken to the mainland. Please enjoy this children’s musical that brave Baekgu inspired,a production by Yeil Musical Company from South Korea.

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