شیرینی پزی و نانوایی وگان دانمارکی: مکانی بهشتی از شفقت، مهربانی، شکر و ادویه - قسمت ۱ از ۲ قسمت   
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HOST: Lively viewers, halo, and thanks for joining us on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living.
Nestled comfortably in Canada’s largest city of Toronto is the Vegan Danish Bakery.

Shannon (f): In Denmark, it’s not called a danish, it’s called a spandauer. So it’s like a pastry with the fruity mill, it’s just like danishes. Actually these ones here, would you like to try one?

HOST: “We are vegans, we are Danish, and we bake!” so said Shannon, one of the three vibrant sisters of the Schledermanns family who runs this super lovely vegan bakery at a corner of the famous Yonge Street.

Shannon (f): It’s been such an excited response from people, we haven’t had to put any advertising out. We just wanted to open a little quietly and ease in. But everyone was so excited, so it was wonderful.
It really gave us a nice boost.

HOST: Newly opened in February 2010, this quaint shop adds an eye-catching Danish façade to the multicultural city. Festive lights, colorful flowers, photos and books of vegan epicure decorate its cozy interior.
The sweet aromas of freshly baked pastries and confections convincingly invite in curious customers and strolling pedestrians.

Indulge in yummilicious gourmet confections at Vegan Danish Bakery 7718 Yonge Street Thornhill, Ontario – Canada +001.905.882.1331

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