سیاره زمین: خانه دوست داشتنی ما دکتر جان چرچ: هشدار افزایش سطح دریاها   
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HOST: Halo, eco-loving viewers, and welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. A frightening global trend is the quickly rising sea levels caused by climate change, an issue that has garnered serious attention from scientists and governments across the world in recent decades.

Since 1993, globally oceans have been rising three millimeters per year, whereas the average in the 20th century was only 1.8 millimeters annually.

In March 2010, the Lung Ying-tai Cultural Foundation’s (龍應台文化基金會) MediaTek lecture series featured a talk in Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) on this issue by respected Australian oceanographer Dr. John Church of the Marine and Atmospheric Research division of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which is Australia’s national science agency.

He is also the Program Leader of the Sea Level Rise unit of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre.

Dr. Church is the winner of the 2007 Eureka Prize for Scientific Research given by the University of New South Wales, Australia and the co-convening lead author for the chapter on sea level rise for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report.

We now feature excerpts from his insightful presentation entitled 『Sea Level Rise: Understanding, Expectation and Migration』

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