افراد خوب، اعمال خوب ماید امید : بنیاد تحقیقاتی دیابت نوجوانان   
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Welcome blessed viewers to Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television. Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disorder where the body eliminates the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, a type of necessary hormone.

Without insulin, blood sugar levels can fluctuate dangerously. This in turn can lead to such severe conditions as cardiovascular disease, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels, or neuropathy or nerve damage. Type 2 diabetes is similar in that the body cannot produce sufficient amounts of needed insulin or the cells cannot recognize the presence of insulin.

Today’s program features the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a United States-based non-profit organization whose chief mission is to find a cure for type 1 diabetes. The Foundation is the number one charitable funder of diabetes research globally.

For more about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation please visit www.JDRF.org

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