شیوه زندگی دوستار محیط زیست در "گرین ساید کافه" در ژوهانسبورگ، آفریقای جنوبی   
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Greetings Earth-loving viewers, and welcome to today’s feature on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living.
We are going to explore a fresh, new vegetarian café that really lives up to its name: The Greenside Café. Nestled in the heart of a beautiful suburb named Greenside in Johannesburg, South Africa, is The Greenside Café.

The restaurant, a creation of our fellow Association member, is a new treasure for the taste buds. Even though it is still in its early days of opening, The Greenside Café, is already very popular amongst vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians alike.

A local newspaper writes about the café: “…for serving the tastiest vegan/vegetarian cuisine, as well as the most decadent vegan hot chocolate in town” The Greenside Café has really earned its name: not only is it situated in the suburb of Greenside, it also implements “green” strategies as far as possible,namely through serving vegan fare.

So let’s travel to Johannesburg, South Africa to visit this cozy restaurant where manager Ms. Sally Flanagan tells us more about The Greenside Café.

The Greenside Café
34 Gleneagles Road Greenside (2193), South Africa
011.646.3444 or 076.689.8983

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