سرگرمی تعالی بخش اجراهای هنری اعضای انجمن بین المللی استاد اعظم چینگ های و دوستان   
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Earth Song
Music by Jeremy Dempsey
Lyrics & vocals by our Association member from New Zealand
(Originally in English)

Children of the Earth, Hear your Mother’s plea…
Children of the Earth,Your Mother calls to thee…
You are my children, my seed Do not forsake me, in my hour of need.
Your Mother is in pain,Can you hear her?
She is weeping so…She asks you to refrain, To show mercy,Do you see, or no?

Children of the Earth,Hear your Mother’s plea…
Children of the Earth,Your Mother calls to thee…
You are my children, my seed Do not forsake me, in my hour of need.

The killing of the animals is killing me.
The eating of the animals means eating me.
They are my children, as are you – Will you protect them, and me too?
See the animals as your brethren,As I see all of you as my children.
Children of the Earth,Hear your Mother’s plea…
Children of the Earth,Your Mother calls to thee…
You are my children, my seed Do not forsake me, in my hour of need.

Go Green Today
Lyrics, music & vocals by Kerry McKenna (vegetarian)
Bass guitar performed by Tom McKenna Friends of our Association

Verse 1
We all see how the world has been changing;
changing day by day…
Let’s all…Get together and sort it out now.
Go green today

Verse 2
We all see how the climate is changing,
when trees are taken away…
Let’s all…Get together and sort it out now.
Go green today

It’s time to, make dreams true;
everything we do is down to me and you.  
Let’s open our eyes, wake up and start anew.
Go green today Go Veg, lets make a pledge to plant a tree and all live in harmony.
Meditate and just feel great, to save our world, and save you and me…

Verse 1
We all see how the world has been changing;
changing day by day…
Let’s all…Get together and sort it out now, Go green today.

Verse 2
We all see how the climate is changing,
when trees are taken away…
Let’s all…Get together and sort it out now,Go green today.
It’s time to, make dreams true;
everything we do is down to me and you.
Let’s open our eyes, wake up and start anew,
Go green today...
Go green today.

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