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Can works of art save the lives of animals?

Can works of art preserve our environment? Halo viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Our program today explores this very topic. We will visit with Dr. Pete Marshall, an internationally known artist whose works are bringing attention to the beauty of our animal friends and the need to protect them.

Dr. Marshall is a retired veterinarian from Victoria, Australia. From her home, she operates a wildlife shelter which cares for lost, injured, and abandoned animals.

She is also a splendid artist who is very in tune with animals. Not only does she strive to safeguard the animals of Australia, she also travels around the globe to raise awareness of,and compassion for, endangered species.

Dr. Marshall has donated her art for use with fundraising efforts on behalf of conservation projects. Her works hang proudly in both public and private collections in Australia and around the world.

Her life has been an eclectic combination of being a practicing veterinarian as well as a talented and prolific artist. How did Dr. Marshall become involved in these quite diverse areas of interest?

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