زندگی سالم بگذارید غذا، درمان شما باشد - دکتر برایان کلمنت از انستیتوی بهداشت بقراط – قسمت ۱ از ۲   
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قسمت ۲ Play with windows media ( 40 MB )

The staff at the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida USA has helped restore health and hope to scores of people, some with life-threatening or supposedly terminal illnesses.

The Institute was founded by Ann Wigmore, a great visionary and humanitarian, who believed that a life of vibrant health is our true birthright.

In helping others heal themselves she followed the philosophy of the famed ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, known as the 『Father of Medicine』 who said, 『Let food be our medicine.』

Halo, energetic viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living and the first of our two part program featuring an engaging interview with Dr. Brian Clement , Co-Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute. Dr. Clement and his wife Dr. Anna Maria Gahns-Clement, also a director at the Institute, have continued the Institute’s fine tradition set by Ann Wigmore of helping people heal themselves.

Dr. Brian Clement has graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine and nutritional science and has spent over 30 years studying nutrition and natural health care.

He has travelled the globe giving lectures, and has written numerous books about natural healing, including his recent best-selling book,『Living Foods for Optimum Health.』The philosophy of this Institute is that an enzyme-rich pure vegan diet, accompanied by constructive thinking and non-invasive therapies are the essential elements for attaining the best of health.

Many of those who have undertaken its three week detoxification program have experienced phenomenal success in enhancing their well-being.

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زندگی سالم تغذیه وگان با دکتر اریک سلیویتچ - قسمت ۱ از ۲ ( به زبان پرتغالی)
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زندگی سالم تحقیق چین از دکتر تی. کالین کمپبل: کاهش ریسک امراض از طریق رژیم وگان – قسمت ۱
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