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نقاشی های زیبای نقاش ترکی امینه گولر (به زبان ترکی)   

Welcome, art-loving viewers to today's episode of  Enlightening Entertainment. Today, we are travelling
to a land of an ancient civilization, Türkiye (Turkey), to meet a genuinely gifted painter.
Ms. Emine Güler has been inspired since childhood by the colors and images of central Anatolia,
a place abundantly blessed by a rich cultural and natural heritage.(In Turkish)

Emine Güler(f):
My works started perhaps before writing, before learning to read and write. Actually I have been
drawing as early as I could remember. Naturally, the interactions are back in my earliest childhood. During my childhood, I was wondering about the ancient time, I was trying to find out
about the lives in the ancient ruins by imagining; this I think was pure curiosity, and this curiosity gave rise to more mythological thoughts. I started to go back to the very beginning of the evolution of humankind. Naturally, they say there is no limit to the imagination.

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