سرگرمی های تعالی بخش
مردم کاستاریکایی، متانت و روحیه آنان (به زبان اسپانیایی)   

We are in front of the Gold Museum of San José, Costa Rica. Here, you will find many
examples of the skill of the pre-Columbian indigenous people, who turned golden metal
into works of art – invaluable works of art. For many, this museum holds the key to
the name of our country.

Actually, in the year 1502, during his fourth voyage, Christopher Columbus sighted the Atlantic coast
of our country and called it a “Rich Coast” (Costa Rica). For many people, this name is derived from the gold that was used by indigenous peoples. However, history has proven that the real wealth of the country was not their gold.

Here at the national museum, we will show you the true wealth of the country. We are in the recreation of a traditional house of the 18th century. Humble, with solid and noble furniture. The furniture is like the inhabitants of this house: simple but strong, well-polished, durable (the life expectancy of the Costa Rican is among the highest in the world), practical, stable (the democracy is the second-oldest in the Americas), cozy (from almost 5 million inhabitants of this country, 1.5 million are immigrants, and in its vast majority are refugees).

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