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گوته آنوم، یک مرکز فلسفی در سوئیس (به زبان آلمانی سوئیس)   

Greetings lovely viewers and welcome to today’s episode on Enlightening Entertainment where we journey to Dornach, Switzerland. This is the site of the Goetheanum, one of the wonders of modern architecture and world center of the Anthrophosophical movement. Anthrophosophism is a spiritual movement that began in German-speaking countries and flourishes around the world today. It is based on a belief in the existence of a spiritual world that is accessible to direct human experience through inner development. Anthroposophy strives to use a scientific approach in understanding the human soul and spiritual experience. Ms. Ester Gerster, General Secretary of the Anthroposophist Society in Switzerland, is also an educator, artist and tour director at the Goetheanum.

(In German)
Ester Gerster (f):
Welcome to the Goetheanum, the center of the worldwide Anthroposophical movement.The Anthroposophical Society is the owner of this building. But it is a public building for all people who are interested in culture and also in anthroposophy. It is the center of anthroposophy, which was founded by Rudolf Steiner.

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