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Welcome, wonderous viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment.

Today, we are celebrating the 16th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. In 1993, Mayor Frank F. Fasi of the City and Country of honolulu, Hawaii, USA established October 25 as The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, in tribute to her worldwide humanitarian efforts and her all-embracing spiritual leadership. Reflecting countless people’s regard towards her as an outstanding role model of true caring and love, Mayor Fasi also offered an Honorary Citizenship to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love in action continues to be shared all over the world, such as through her constant aid for natural disasters, philanthropic works, and her ceaseless endeavors to raise wareness on saving the planet and the importance of the noble animal-free lifestyle. Indeed through her message, millions have come to lead a more compassionate and constructive way of life.

Please join us in celebration of this auspicious occasion, The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, as we envision together a more peaceful world.

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