سرگرمی های تعالی بخش
جلوه های هنرمندانه ی خرد و زیبایی: هنر خوشنوسی چینی با قلم مو (به زبان چینی)   

Welcome, artistic viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment. In today’s episode, we are introducing the unique writing art: shufa or Chinese brush calligraphy.

Chinese brush calligraphy is the hand writing of Chinese characters by using a soft-tipped brush. It has been used historically as a common means of communication in ancient China. Shufa, literally translated, is the art of the hand writing. “Shu” (calligraphy), together with “hua” (painting), “qin” (a stringmusical instrument) and “qi” (a strategic board game), are regarded as the four fundamental skills and disciplines of the Chinese literati.

Now let’s join a private tutoring session conducted by Professor Huang Yang (黃陽) of the Department of Fine Arts at Huafan University, Formosa (Taiwan). An expert in shufa, Professor Huang Yang speaks with us about the history of the Chinese brush calligraphy.


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