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شیکاگو، آمریکا – شهری که من دوست دارم!   

Greetings vibrant viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. Today we are visiting Chicago, USA, a city with colorful nicknames like the Garden City, the Windy City, and Queen of the West. Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, Chicago connets the Great Lakes watershed with the Mississippi River. As the third biggest city in the United Sates, Chicago has long been celebrated as the powerhouse of the Midwest, historically, politically, and culturally. It’s home of many celebrities, including Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, and the current US President Barack Obama, to name a few.

Chicago is a beautiful city featuring historical architecture and beautiful natural sceneries. Walking in Chicago, you can find many familiar movie scenes right in front of your eyes, such as the elevated train in “While You Were Sleeping,” the cruise easing down the Chicago River in “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” the Union Station in “The Untouchables,” and as you can imagine, the soaring high buildings where Spiderman and Superman have flown in between.

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