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The Only Home
Music, lyrics & vocals by our Formosan (Taiwanese) Association members
(In Chinese)

Our beautiful world contains rich resources
but it’s facing a great crisis.

Our animal friends are so kind and innocent.
But they are sacrificed for humans.
The gentle sunshine warms the land,
the purling water washes away the worldly dust.  

This is a kind society, a loving world,
People are blessed with love, peace and joy
To preserve all this, everyone of us
has to work together.Keeping a compassionate
vegan diet is our duty.

Let us love our home, this beautiful
Earthly home.Let us protect the animals,
so they would never cry because of humans again.
Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home.
Let us embrace our only home.

Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home.
Let us protect the animals, so they would never cry
because of humans again. Let us love our home,
this beautiful Earthly home.

Let us embrace our only home.
Let us embrace our only home.
Change your diet.
Be veg, go green, save the planet.

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