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پدر روحانی خوزه روک جنوگز - طرفدار زندگی بر اساس اخلاقیات برای سیاره (به زبان پرتغالی)   

Father José Roque Junges is a Brazilian Jesuit priest who is an internationally recognized leader in the field of bioethics. He champions the need for behavioral change based on ethics and conscientious consumption.

(Interview in Portuguese)
Father Jose Roque(m): At its core, a crisis is environmental, and in the end, an ethical crisis.
And then I think that, for example, it is global warming, and this environmental crisis,
it’s clear that it needs technical solutions, obviously, but I always defend that global warming
won’t be solved only by technological means. You need a change in ethics, a change in behavior.

We could say first that, of course, I think that there is a way of how human beings in the last decades, in the last centuries, treated nature and animals, is a totally inhumane and cruel way.
I mean, human beings no longer have that harmonious relationship with nature like before, and that is the result of the modern way of life and of instrumental rationality which we apply to nature, where we transform everything into resources. Everything is a resource for us humans to use. I would say this is a chauvinistic anthropocentrism. An anthropocentrism in the sense that everything must serve humans.

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