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جایزه قهرمان درخشان جهانی: فداکاری در مواجه با خطر   

Today our program on Supreme Master Television features a very special hero who gave his life to save others in danger.
Mr. Douglas Frank Butler was visiting his family in Florida, USA on the occasion of his 47th birthday. He was together with his family and friends at Rickenbacker Beach in Miami, where
Mr. Butler and his nephew were enjoying a swim.
But as they were leaving the water, they heard cries that some children had fallen into the water because the sandbar that they were standing on gave way. None of them knew
how to swim and were struggling in the salty water. Without a moment’s hesitation, Mr. Butler and his nephew quickly swam their way to the children, ages 15, 12, 5, and 3.

Mr. Butler’s nephew saved one child while other good Samaritans pulled two other children
from the water. Mr. Butler helped rescue the last child, a 5-year-old boy, by holding him above water with his every might so the child could breathe again. The boy was eventually pulled out of the water by others, but by then Mr. Butler had lost consciousness, and moments later, his life.

(Interview in English) Ms Parker(f):

He was a very big man with a big heart. He was big in stature, he was big in spirit and he always had that big-heart bear hug for everybody. He was that type of man, that he had that light
in his eyes and he would give everybody a bear hug, and his sisters remember it, I remember it, his friends remember – the big bear hug.  And he was the same, as strong as his hugs were
as big as his heart was.

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