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Today, we feature Ms. Alyson Myatt,from Louisville,Kentucky, USA. Ms. Myatt, age 22,
is known by people across the country as the nanny who saved the life of a 5-year-old child
by running through a wall of flames. His name is Aden Hawes,and one night while his father was away on a business trip,a bathroom ventilation fan upstairs overheated and caught on fire.
As it fell to the ground,the loud noise woke up Ms. Myatt,who was sleeping in her basement room.

(Interview in English) Alyson(f):
I just heard something hit the ground and it was some stuff up in the ceiling of the bathroom and it hit the floor. I mean, It woke me up; my room was located down in the basement. So and That’s how the fire started,was the bathroom fan,it was broken,but the switch was on,so the motor was running on the fan. (SMTV (f): Oh, wow.) And it caught fire and it had been burning for a couple of hours,because I mean the whole upstairs,like on that side of where the bathroom was,was just in flames,like hot, (SMTV (f): Wow.) big flames, and it all down the hallway.

SMTV (f): And then what happened after that?
Alyson(f): And then,as soon as I ran upstairs,I was yelling for Aden.
And then he just told me that he’s in his room on his bed. And so I just ran and like ran through the flames like all down the carpet. I didn’t have shoes on or socks or anything and, yeah,I just ran in his room. He jumped on me and then I you know carried him out.

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