فرشتگان انسانی کریستوفر دوئینگ و ریکی سیسکو   

Greetings, loving viewers of Supreme Master Television, and welcome to our Shining World Awards program. Today, we will have the honor of meeting two remarkable individuals
who have each donated one of their precious kidneys to save a person previously unknown to them.
First, we will talk to Mr. Christopher Doing,an Information Technology (IT) specialist, and find out
how he came to know of two-year-old Nathan Saavedra, who had been diagnosed with
Prune Belly syndrome,a rare disorder that affects the urinary system.

Christopher (m):
My grandmother passed away while I was in high school and I’d learned about organ donation there and have,through the years kind of felt like that a kidney is something you can donate while you’re alive, something I could do,and I never knew anyone who needed it.
I read an article in the newspaper about Nathan and the condition he was in. And as a father of a toddler myself,I just hope and pray I’m never in the position where I’m helpless and
to see another parent helpless just really pulled at my heart and made me want to get involved.

  لیست برنامه ها
فناوری عصر طلایی
کلام حکمت
گیاهخواری : روش اصیل زندگی
چشم انداز سینما
موسیقی و شعر
افراد خوب، اعمال خوب
الگوی موفقیت
اخبار قابل توجه
بین استاد و شاگردان
بزرگان گیاهخوار
تبار شریف ما
دنیای اطراف ما
دنیای حیوانات
زندگی سالم
سفری به عوالم زیبایی
سیاره زمین
سرگرمی های تعالی بخش
علم و عرفان
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