Nike announces the halt of kangaroo leather - 26 Jun 2010  
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As soccer teams from around the world convene for the World Cup, sportswear company Nike has confirmed
it will discontinue the use of skins from kangaroos for shoes. This move could help save the lives of millions of adult kangaroos who currently perish in Australia each year for their meat and skin, with an estimated 440,000 babies who lose their parents as a result.

Leading animal welfare groups such as Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (Viva!) and the Australian
Wildlife Protection Council are currently working to ban the sale of all kangaroo products in the European Union.

Kudos, Nike for your caring decision as we applaud Viva!, the Australian Wildlife Protection Council, and
all organizations and individuals for their dedication to our animal friends. Blessed be such compassionate efforts in bringing a kinder, more humane world for us all.

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