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한국 민주 노동당 대표가 채식으로의 전환을 촉구합니다.

농업, 식품 안전, 공중 위생에 대한 헌신과 청렴함으로 널리 존경 받는 한국의 민주 노동당 대표 강기갑 의원은 가능한 많이 채식 생활양식을 매일 실천합니다. 수프림 마스터 TV는 강 의원과의 인터뷰를 통해 채식을 선택한 이유를 물어보았습니다.

강기갑 의원-민주 노동당 대표: 친환경, 생태친화적 식생활이 채식생활이 아닌가 하는 인식을 채식을 오랫동안 할수록 많이 하게 되는 것 같습니다. 채식을 하고 푸른 생명소들이 풍부하게 들어 있는 것을 먹게 되면 생명력이 더 충만해집니다.

또한 강의원에게 중요한 것은 세계적인 식량위기를 완화하고 동물과 같은 다른 생명체를 보호하고 그들과 조화로이 공존해야 한다는 사실입니다. 농민 출신인 강의원은 지구 온난화에 대한 축산의 높은 대가를 축산의 높은 대가를 얘기했습니다. 

강기갑 의원: 상대적으로 육식 같은 경우에는 동물을 기르는 과정과 동물이 배설하는 분뇨에서 CO2가 많이 발생됩니다. 그 양도 대단히 심각하다고 그러죠. 그러므로 인류는 지금 즉시 삶의 행태를 바꿔야 합니다. 그리고 정치권이 제일 먼저 반성하고 각성해야 된다고 생각합니다.

동물과 지구는 물론 시민들에게 진정한 관심을 베푼 강기갑 의원께 감사드립니다. 모든 사회가 농부의 자연사랑과 생명 돌보기를 본받아 우리의 생존과 고향 지구의 생명력을 보장하길 바랍니다.

화성의 기후변화가 남극대륙과 유사함을 과학자들이 발견합니다.

나사의 화성정찰 궤도위성이 보내온 1천장 이상의 고해상도 화상들을 연구하면서 전세계 연구자들은 머나먼 행성의 협곡과 분화구와 지구 남극에 있는 맥머도 건조계곡으로 알려진 지역과의 명확한 유사성을 목격하고 있습니다. 화성에서의 변화는 수십만 년 전인 근래에 발생한 것으로 보여서 화성이 아직 역동적으로 진화하는 역동적으로 진화하는 행성이라는 견해를 믿게 해줍니다. 이 유사성들 외에도 연구자들은 화성을 더 연구하면 지구의 형성을 더 많이 밝힐 거라고 희망합니다.

나사와 과학자들의 이 최근의 발견에 찬사를 보냅니다! 지구와 우리를 둘러싼 우주에 대한 이해를 앞으로도 계속 확대해 나가길 기대합니다.

식물들이 위험을 서로 경고해 줍니다.

미국 콜로라도 국립 대기 연구소 과학자들은 식물이 가뭄과 고온 등 스트레스 요인에 반응하며 대기 중에 아스피린과 유사한 화학 물질을 배출한다는 것을 발견했습니다. 이 물질은 식물의 방어 능력을 향상시키고 근처 식물에게 위험을 경고하는 것으로 보입니다. 알렉스 구엔터 연구원은 말합니다. 『이는 생태계에서 식물들이 의사소통을 한다는 확실한 증거를 보여줍니다. 식물은 대기를 통해 의사소통을 할 능력이 있는 것 같습니다.』

2008년 2월7일 칭하이 무상사는 화상회의에서 다름처럼 말씀하셨습니다.

칭하이 무상사: 지구는 귀한 선물이고 아주 아름다운 보석이죠. 지금은 함께하는 거주자들의 놀라운 공덕 때문에 존재하는 거예요. 인류, 동물, 심지어 광물과 식물, 나무 등등요. 우린 정말 이 행성에 감사하고 모든 생명체들은 지구를 보존하고 즐길 수 있도록 훌륭한 방식으로 유지돼야 해요.

정말 놀랍군요! 아름다운 생물권의 신비를 발견한 국립 대기 연구소의 구엔터 박사와 동료 연구원들께 감사드립니다. 우리가 이에 깨달음을 얻어 모두의 고향인 지구의 사려 깊은 청지기가 되길 빕니다.

Korean Democratic Labor Party leader calls for switch to plant-based diet.

Widely admired for his integrity and commitment to agriculture, food safety and public health, South Korean Senator and head of the Democratic Labor Party, Gang Gi-Gap also practices a vegetarian lifestyle daily as much as possible. Supreme Master Television had the chance to speak with Senator Gang about his reasons for choosing a plant-centered diet.

Gang Gi-Gap – Senator, Head of Democratic Labor Party in South Korea (M): As I’ve continued eating vegetarian for a long time, I’ve realized that a vegetarian life is the environment-friendly and eco-friendly diet. If we go vegetarian and eat foods containing a lot of green, life-sustaining elements, we will have more abundant vitality.

VOICE: Also compelling to Senator Gang is the need to ease the global food crisis as well as the moral duty to protect and amicably co-exist with other life forms such as the animals. The former vegetable farmer further discussed the higher cost of animal farming on global warming.

Senator Gang Gi-Gap (M): In the case of the meat diet, a comparatively great deal of CO2 gas is generated from animal raising as well as the excretions of animals, and this amount is extremely serious. So, at least starting now, we humans need to make a great change in our lives. And I think the political parties should reflect on this and be enlightened first.

VOICE: We applaud Senator Gang for his genuine concern for co-citizens as well as the animals and the Earth. May all of society share the farmer’s natural love and nurturing of life, to ensure our own survival and the vitality of our planetary home.

Scientists find climate change on Mars resembles Antarctica. 

In studying more than 1,000 high resolution images sent back from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers around the globe are seeing a distinct similarity between the distant planet’s gullies and craters and a region on the Earth’s Antarctic known as McMurdo Dry Valleys. The changes on Mars appear to have taken place as recently as a few hundred thousand years ago, giving credence to the idea that Mars is still a dynamically evolving planet. Besides these similarities, researchers are also hoping that further studies of Mars will reveal more about the Earth’s formation.

Our accolades, NASA and scientists for these latest discoveries! We look forward to an ever more expanded understanding of our Earth and the universe around us.,, 

VOICE: The following is an excerpt from a  videoconference in which Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her valuable advice and revealed further insights into the mysteries of our universe.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

SupremeMasterTV (M): Some exciting new data has been sent back by NASA’s spacecraft currently circling around Mars, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pictures revealed that Mars once had diverse forms of water such as lakes and rivers – wet environments that might have supported life for thousands or even millions of years. Geologists have identified similar landforms between Mars and Alaska, such as evidence of ice avalanches which are now occurring more frequently in Alaska, most likely due to global warming. Master, you have spoken on several occasions about the parallels between the histories of Mars and Earth. Is it true that Mars experienced climate change at the hands of its inhabitants like our planet? Did the Martians have a chance to save their planet?
Supreme Master Ching Hai : They did have. The warning came like 20 or 30 years Earth time to them. The last urgent signs they had were about five years before the destruction. They did have a chance, but they did not do it.

SupremeMasterTV (M): Why is that, Master?

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Because they did not know about the vegetarian diet that could change. At that moment, there were not enough people to stand up and communicate the urgency of the planet as well as the solution, like the vegetarian diet, the way we are doing now.

SupremeMasterTV (M): And Master, how about our planet, do people know the chance?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : : There are some people who don’t know what to do. And of course some people who know what to do because we inform them or the United Nations inform them or the scientists inform them, but they still did not change their habit. So, if we continue not changing our habit, then the planet will be destroyed, just the way Mars has been destroyed.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Right now, we are doing a lot of things; we inform people and distributing leaflets and all that, but we will have to rely on Heaven’s grace if we are to survive.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Formosa (Taiwan) press - October 25, 2007

Chen: Just now you mentioned that Mars was like the Earth in the past. At present, the most popular topic under discussion in the world is the issue of global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Right.

Chen: So is this a really serious problem? Will the Earth really face the end of the world?

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  It is serious. If we don’t find ways to improve, it’ll be serious, and very soon, sooner than we can imagine.

Plants discovered to communicate change.

Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, USA have found that plants reacting to stressors such as drought and high temperatures release a chemical that resembles aspirin into the air. This substance not only boosts the plant’s defenses against injury, it is now thought to signal nearby plants of danger. Researcher Alex Guenther said, “These findings show tangible proof that plant-to-plant communication occurs on the ecosystem level. It appears that plants have the ability to communicate through the atmosphere.”

In a videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on February 7, 2008, she shared the following:

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
Los Angeles, California, USA – February 7, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai : It's a very rare gift.  And it's a very beautiful jewel.  It exists because it's due to exceptional good merit of all its co-inhabitants, namely humans, animals, even minerals and plants, trees. 

If we really appreciate this planet.  All of the co-inhabitants must continue in a meritorious way so that, we can keep it and enjoy the planet. 

What an illuminating concept! Our appreciation, Dr. Guenther and colleagues at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, for this glimpse into the intricacy of our beautiful biosphere! May your findings remind us to be more considerate stewards of our shared planetary home.