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Mushroom Wrap & Squash and Coconut Soup

Mushroom Wrap
6-8 Button mushrooms
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon vegetable stock seasoning
½ - 1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon mushroom seasoning
Olive oil
Rice paper
Warm water
Lettuce (optional)
Optional for dipping:
Soya paste
Soya sauce
Chili sauce

Squash and Coconut Soup
1 squash
1 tablespoon Maggi or soya sauce
1/2 - 1 teaspoon vegetable stock seasoning
3 tablespoons coconut milk
Medium-soft tofu
Filtered water

Directions: Squash and Coconut Soup

  • Cut the 2/3 of the squash with big knife with a sawed edge.
  • Take the seed out and scrape out the flesh of squash with spoon.
  • Put the flesh of squash into the bowl so we can use it to cook and then the outer of squash is used as a bowl.
  • Put a bowl of water and then boil them.
  • Put the maggie or soya sauce into water, like a little of maggie, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon or half a teaspoon seasoning, then you can put a little coconut milk, small carrot/baby carrot into it.
  • Put the tofu which has been sliced, half of the coriander, a pinch of salt, a little soy sauce or maggie, a little of ground pepper, and three spoons of thick coconut milk and then they are mixed.
  • After the soup is boiled, then move the soup into the carved bowl.

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