사랑의 선물: 발렌타인 데이 특별 만찬 비건 햄 페이스트를 바른 다이아몬드 바케트 하트 모양의 피망과 완두콩 다채로운 야채 볶음 신선한 오렌지와 건포도를 곁들인 달콤한 두부 하트-2009년 2월 4일   
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Diamond Baguettes Stuffed with Vegan Ham Paste
Olive Oil
French baguette
100-200 grams vegan ham paste
1 tablespoon of mushroom seasoning
1 tablespoon vegetable bouillon powder
1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon dairy-free parmesan cheese
Wheat flour (optional)

Heart-shaped Bell Pepper with Peas
Red bell pepper

Sautéed Colorful Fruits
Olive oil
Red bell pepper
Yellow bell pepper
Green bell pepper (optional)
1 tablespoon mushroom seasoning
1 teaspoon coriander powder
A few drops soya sauce
Vegetable bouillon powder (optional: fruit bouillon)
Ground black pepper
Filtered water
1 tablespoon of flour

Sweet Tofu Hearts with Fresh Tangerine & Raisins
400 grams silken tofu
1 tablespoon fruit syrup

Diamond Baguettes Stuffed with Vegan Ham Paste
  1. Marinate the ham with 1 tablespoon of mushroom seasoning, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper and 1 tablespoon of bouillon. Mix it together very well.
  2. Add in 1 tablespoon dairy free parmesan cheese, if any.Add in a bit of the flour if the ham is too wet. Mix everything very well.
  3. Keep the ham aside.
  4. Take the bread, cut it into some slices, diamond shaped about 1 inch thick.
  5. Take out the inside of the bread so the ham can be stuffed into it.
  6. The part of the bread that has been cut away can be mixed together with the ham.
  7. Keep half a centimeter thick of the bread wall so it doesn’t break and it will look nice also.
  8. Stuff the hole of the bread with the ham mixture. Make it flat with spoon and cut off the excessive part.
  9. Put some olive oil in the pan, heat it up.
  10. Put the stuffed bread into the pan one by one and fry slowly. Use low heat so that the ham inside will be warm, hot and cooked. Avoid burnt.
  11. Cook until both sides are golden brown.
  12. Put the cooked bread on a plate, lined with kitchen towel to absorb some excess oil.
  13. Serve it nicely with the heart shaped bell pepper, the sautedd colorful fruits and the sweet tofu hearts with fresh tangerine and raisins as the desert.
Heart-shaped Bell Pepper with Peas

  1. Cut 4 pieces of the bell pepper in the shape of the heart.
  2. Make the heart shape out of the red pepper and inside is green pepper.
Sautéed Colorful Fruits
  1. Turn on the heater and boil the water.
  2. Meanwhile, chop some of the red, yellow and green pepper in very small cubes like the size of of the little finger.
  3. Cube some eggplant.
  4. When the water boils, put in the corn and the peas and let it boil for about 3 - 5 minutes.
  5. After 3 minutes, turn off the heat, put the pot cover on, and keep it there so it’s warm.
  6. Take the vegetables out from the hot water and set it aside.
  7. Heat up some olive oil in a pan.
  8. Add in the boiled vegetables, the pepper and the eggplant into the pan.
  9. Saute them quick.
  10. Add in the coriander powder, some bouillon, and mushroom seasoning.
  11. Add in 1 tablespoon of soya sauce and a little ground pepper.
  12. Saute it quick so the vegetables still crispy and hot.
  13. Add in a little water into the pan.
  14. Add in about a tablespoon of flour on top to thicken the sauce. Stir and it’s done.
Sweet Tofu Hearts with Fresh Tangerine & Raisins

  1. Warm up the tofu just for a couple of minutes in the microwave, and pour the syrup on top.
  2. Or just eat the tofu cold.
  3. Divide the tofu into four triangles, and then cut it into heart shape.
  4. Put the heart facing each other.
  5. Pour the syrup in the middle and a little bit on top.
  6. Put some tangerine and some raisins.

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