고귀한 생활, 채식
You’re Invited! Aussie Vegan Barbeque Party      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Veggie Kebabs
Vegan chicken ham
Potato wedges
Vegan black pepper
pork chops
Vegan chicken patties
Vegan sausages
Canola oil
Non-alcoholic beer (optional)

Carrot, grated
Tomato, chopped
Onion, chopped
Vegetable oil
Black salt
Veggie Burger
Vegan barbequed
burger patty
Bread buns
Prepared salad
Beetroot, sliced
Nuttelex (vegan butter)
(ketchup, mustard, etc.)

Fruit Salad
Mixed berries
So Good Ice Cream
(vegan ice cream)

  1. Cut the all the fresh vegetables and ingredients into bite size.
  2. Take the skewers and put them together, start with the zucchini, the chicken ham, red capsicum, mushrooms, and repeat the pattern again.
  3. Turn on the barbeque pan, put some oil on it.
  4. Cook the corn and the potato wedges first since they take the longest time to cook.
  5. When the plate already hot, cook the veggie burgers, the veggie snags, and the vegan black pepper pork chops.
  6. Put adequate oil so that they won’t stick to the plate.
  7. Flip over the other side, and let them cook.
  8. Keep turning once a while.
  9. To prepare the salad, arrange in a bowl the grated carrot, chopped onion, avocado, and the other vegetables.
  10. Drizle some vegetable oil to make the salad moist.
  11. Sprinkle some black salt over the salad.
  12. To prepare the fruit salad, cut the bananas and the apples into bite size.
  13. Put them on a plate. Add in some oranges
  14. Arrange some mixed berries.
  15. Top it off with So Good Vegan Ice Cream.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_kr/746

File NO: 1089
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