고귀한 생활, 채식
토마토 생강 비건채식 닭고기와 야채 수프 (스페인어)      
Tomato Ginger Vegan Chicken
2 package bean curd sheets, cut into small pieces using scissor, fried
1 medium onion, sliced into small pieces
4 big tomatoes, sliced into small pieces
2 tablespoons seasoning (veggie chicken powder or aloe vegetable thickener)
1 spoonful vegan mushroom oyster sauce
sunflower oil or olive oil
3 tablespoons soy souce
2 teaspoons salt
a piece of ginger

Soup of Vegetable Greens
dried mushrooms, softened by soaking in water, then cut to small pieces using scissor
some green vegetables, cut small 1 inch long
sunflower oil or olive oil
seasoning (veggie chicken powder or aloe vegetable thickener)
soy sauce
a piece of ginger

Tomato Ginger Vegan Chicken
1. low heat a frying pan, add some oil, add onion, stir a bit
2. add the tomatos, cover the pan for awhile
3. add the bean curds, stir them to mix with the tomatos
4. add the seasoning, salt, soy sauce, mushroom oyster sauce, stir well
5. add the ginger, and stir well, then cover the pan for 2-3 minutes

Soup of Vegetable Greens
1. low heat a pan, put a little bit of oil
2. add mushrooms, salt, chicken powder, soy sauce, stir well
3. add water, cover the pan until boiled
4. add all the greens, stir, then cover the pan for about 10 minutes
5. finally add the ginger, and stir well into the pan
6. let the cover open (covering the pan will darken the greens color), it is ready to serve


trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_kr/722

File NO: 1049
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