Hidden costs of meat on global warming. (Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by East Coast FM Radio)- 3 Sep 2008  
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Hidden costs of meat on global warming.

During a radio interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Ireland’s popular East Coast FM Radio, co-host and newly vegetarian Ms. Louise Kings shared a discussion about the harms of meat consumption for both human and planetary health. Ms. Kings cited the United Nations 2006 report, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” which revealed that transport is  actually not the #1 cause of greenhouse gases; rather, the livestock industry alone is responsible for more emissions than all transportation combined.

Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by East Coast FM Radio, Ireland
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Louise Kings (F): Scientists have shown that: say the average car produces 3 kilograms a day of CO2 gases, while clearing rainforest to produce beef for maybe 1 hamburger produces 75 kilograms of CO2 gases. That’s a huge difference of two and a half thousand percent (2500%). So for anyone wanting to reduce their carbon footprint this clearly shows that eating meat has a much bigger impact on the environment than, say, driving your car. Would you be in agreement with what the scientists are saying?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes, ma’am. 18 percent pollution is just part of the estimate. Actually there are other hidden side costs of global warming, because it’s not included, like people get sick and the price we have to pay for the hospital and the taking care and develop medicine and research and etc., etc., and cost of the sorrow of people who lost loved ones due to meat related illness. And all the change that we advocated up till now by society is helping but it’s very little as you can calculate it yourself. Only vegetarian diet can truly help. And as every action  provokes another action and like attracts like. So if we save lives, ours will be spared. Everything else is just secondary.

 For more information about East Coast FM Radio and this interview, please visit www.eastcoastfm.net

VOICE: We would like to thank East Coast FM Radio and concerned co-host Ms. Louise Kings for offering listeners a clearer picture of matters that are highly relevant to themselves and those around them.

Our gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai whose insights are truly practical and yet have deep implications for our lives and our souls. We pray that the real facts and priorities regarding our diet will be more widely known for all to make the best choice.

The full interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai will be broadcast once more on East Coast FM Radio this coming Saturday, September 6 at www.eastcoastfm.net/listen.htm

Please also tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom at a later date for the full broadcast of this interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Siberian seabed is increasingly emitting methane.

Swedish leader of the International Siberian Shelf Study, Oerjan Gustafsson, announced his team’s findings of a significant amount of methane above and in the waters off the Laptev and east Siberian seas. The increased levels of this greenhouse gas are due to melting from warming, as it is now being released from small holes in the permafrost under the seabed. Large amounts of methane exist under the sea, which, if released, would be lethal to all living beings.

Dr. Gustafsson and international colleagues, we deeply appreciate your observations and sharing of this critical aspect of climate change. We pray that humanity is awakened to the global hazard we face so that we may walk together toward the most effective ways to save all of Earth’s cherished beings.


Sea-level rise could double or triple current expectations.

A new study by a team of University of Wisconsin geologists, led by Dr. Anders Carlson, has reported that the Greenland ice sheet, which is melting due to global warming, may cause a rise in sea levels of up to one-third of an inch per year.

Even small increases could affect hundreds of millions of people. A similarly timed study by climate researcher Dr. Allegra LeGrande of New York’s Columbia University shows that glacial melts during the last ice age occurred very quickly. In correcting the perception that the word “glacial” means slow, Dr. LeGrande stated, “This new evidence from the past, paired with our model for predicting future climate, indicates that glacial is anything but slow. Past ice sheets responded quickly to a changing climate, hinting at the potential for a similar response in the future.”

We thank you for these significant studies, Drs. Carlson, LeGrande and associates. With Heaven’s grace, may our actions to reverse the trend of global warming bring restored balance to our biosphere.

http://www.inthenews.co.uk/news/science/sea-level-rises-being-seriously-underestimated-$1238629.htm http://www.whoi.edu/cms/files/acarlson/2006/8/CV_carlson_8:7:06_12823.pdf http://www.theage.com.au/world/greenland-icesheet-could-melt-faster-20080831