HealthyLife.Net Radio to feature interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai. -20 Aug 2008  
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 HealthyLife.Net Radio to feature interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

This coming Friday, August 22, HealthyLife.Net Radio Network will be broadcasting an interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai about the connection of vegetarianism to global warming and spirituality. HealthyLife.Net Radio is a 24-hour good news radio station broadcasting a variety of programs to millions of listeners worldwide. The interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai will be featured on HealthyLife.Net’s weekly program called “Spiritual Awakening.” The following is an excerpt from the interview conducted by Spiritual Awakening’s host and founder James Bean.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : In order to save ourselves, we must be vegetarian. A vegetarian diet is the nonviolence in the highest sense. And vegetarian diet is a love in action. Don’t you think?

James Bean – Radio host, HealthyLife.Net Spiritual Awakening (M): Yes, if you love animals, why eat them?

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Yes. And a vegetarian diet will stop 80% of global warming, stop all the cruelty, beginning on our plate. Generating loving, kind energy around the world, stop water shortage and water pollution, stop food shortages, stop world hunger and war, prevent deadly diseases, save enormous tax and medical bills to build a better world, and support new useful inventions and good people’s organizations.

 And now there is a spiritual aspect also. When a person partakes in a direct or indirect killing of any sentient beings, be it human or animals, he or she enters the cycle of revenge and violence. And it will only ends when one stops doing it. Hence, we have to love our enemy, because only love and forgiveness will have the power to break the negative effect of hatred and vengeance.

To listen to the interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please log on to

VOICE: We deeply appreciate Supreme Master Ching Hai and her continuous efforts to help us save ourselves, and in time. We thank Mr. Bean and Spiritual Awakening Radio for bringing this rich spiritual knowledge and wisdom to benefit listeners. May the timeless teaching to love one another prevail, for the sake of our survival in peace with all beings.

Please log on to for the full interview which will be broadcast at the following times:

August 22, 2008  at 1:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
August 24, 2008 at 12:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
August 29, 2008 at 1:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
August 30, 2008 at 1:00AM Eastern Daylight Time
August 31, 2008 at 12:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
September 6, 2008 at 1:00AM Eastern Daylight Time

Please also tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom at a later date for the full broadcast of this interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai in Sydney, Australia.

On Sunday, our Association’s Sydney, Australia center had an opportunity to speak with Supreme Master Ching Hai via videoconference. Our Association members asked questions regarding global climate change along with aspects of the vegetarian solution.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Sydney Center, Australia  – August 17, 2008

Our Association member (M): With the amount of natural disasters and rising sea levels, this also has an impact on food production, as land that once could be used to grow food 
now cannot. Because food supply is becoming more unstable, can you please tell us if the human population will be forced to become vegetarians as a matter of survival? And if this happens, will humans become more compassionate and stick to the vegetarian diet for some time, even if in the future there may be an abundance of food and less or no natural disasters?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Well, human nature is more difficult to predict than weather, you know that? Anyway, we do hope and pray for the best. Because everybody knows that vegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet. So, we hope that after they have learned the benefit of it, they will stick to it. I hope that they are not feeling forced to be vegetarian; rather do it voluntarily. It’s for their own good, because they will be awakening their own great, compassionate, loving self-nature. And then their level of consciousness will rise up automatically and they will understand more than they ever did, and they’ll be closer to Heaven than they are right now.

VOICE: We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for the loving faith she has in humankind. May we in turn place our trust in God and our higher nature, so that our world may be uplifted from possible harm to a much happier future.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.