Former Australian Senator calls for better changes for farmers and the public. -19 Aug 2008  
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Former Australian Senator calls for better changes for farmers and the public.

As Senator of Queensland, Australia for 10 years and a vegetarian for 20 years, Andrew Bartlett, who completed his term this year, actively continues to speak on the necessity of overcoming climate change through producing less and consuming less meat.

Former Senator Andrew Bartlett (M): We’ve got to reduce the amount of animal products we consume and we can do it now. Sure, we can be a bit more efficient here and there, but unless we dramatically reduce overall consumption of animal products, we're just not going to make those targets.

VOICE: A dramatic reduction in meat production would also greatly help. Currently, livestock consume more than 40% of the world’s grain. To many, this is an unacceptable inefficiency. Mr. Bartlett points out that most farmers are equipped to change this easily.

Former Senator Andrew Bartlett (M): A lot of farmers do mixed production as well. A lot of farmers that have grain and other food products that are fed to livestock now would be fed directly to people. There's significant opportunities there for farmers to transfer to other food productions as they have done over decades. Farmers all the time change their crops, change what they produce, depending on the demand, depending on the market, that's what they do.

VOICE: The hope is that both farmers and the public will reduce the impact of animal products from both sides of consumption and production.

Former Senator Andrew Bartlett (M): G’day, I’m Andrew Bartlett, a senator in the Australian parliament from the state of Queensland for over 10 years and I’d just like to say: Go Veg. Go Green. Save Our Planet.

VOICE: We salute you, admirable leader Andrew Bartlett for your voice of care for your co-citizens. May we soon achieve changes in our agriculture and personal lives that benefit farmers as well as consumers, and most importantly ensures the future of all inhabitants on the

 Air pollution costs thousands of lives in Canada. A report published by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) called “No Breathing Room: National Illness Costs of Air Pollution” revealed in 2008 alone almost 21,000 Canadians will prematurely lose their lives to air pollution effects, with economic costs of US$8 billion. Without intervention, these costs are expected to escalate, with tens of thousands more fatalities from the short- and long-term effects of pollution exposure. The researchers found that even in small quantities heavy smog, affects blood coagulation, leading to heart attacks and strokes. Over the longer-term, pollution exposure deteriorates muscle cells, causing other potentially fatal cardiovascular issues. CMA President Dr. Brian Day said, "This report shows for the first time the tragic effects of the toxic air that we breathe…across the country.”

Thank you, Dr. Day and other scientists, for bringing to light the devastation caused by air pollution.We pray all leaders act quickly to implement measures that reverse these ill effects and restore pure air to benefit humanity and all co-inhabitants of our Earth.

Freshwater fish among most endangered.

The World Conservation Union Red List of 2007 placed freshwater fish as the most threatened of vertebrates. Of the nearly 2,500 freshwater fishes assessed, over 1,000 were listed as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. The primary danger to fresh water fish is destruction of wetlands, which according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is caused to a great extent by intensive agriculture as well as industrial development.

Our appreciation, World Conservation Union, for this timely alert. As stewards of the Earth, may this serve as a reminder of our responsibility to preserve the vital freshwater fish and all of God’s creations.